
All students must take
EC601 - Advanced Microeconomics I (4 credits),
EC603 - Advanced Macroeconomics I (4 credits) and
6 Elective courses (6x3=18 credits)

EC501 and EC502 are prerequisite courses for EC601.
EC503 and EC504 are prerequisite courses for EC603.

At least 2 of these 6 elective courses must be selected from the main field of specialization of the student. See below for the list of fields.

At most 3 of these 6 elective courses can be taken from other schools and institutions, subject to the approval of the student's advisor.

Comprehensive Exam:
Only those students who have successfully completed their coursework with at least 3.00 GPA can take the comprehensive exam.

The comprehensive exam consists of two parts, one written and one oral. It is designed to cover the student’s main field of specialization which must have either macro-theory or micro-theory underpinnings or both.

Students who do not succeed in their first attempt may retake the exam. If a student fails the exam three times, then the student is required to take all the core courses of the program again.

Fields of Specializations:
1. Economic Theory
2. Macroeconomics
3. International Economics
4. Industrial Organization
5. Public Economics
6. Economic Development
7. Economic History

Note: All fields may not be offered every academic year.