Application procedure

This year, the Department of Economics invites applicants to submit their early applications for the MA and PhD programs via the following form until the 25th of May, 2022:

Please note that the above is an early application form. It does not substitute the actual application which should be made through the University's Electronic Registration System graduate admissions page until 13 June 2022, Monday, 17:30 (Local Time).

Documents Required for Official Application:

a) Official transcripts, sent directly to Boğaziçi University Office of the Registrar by the University the applicant has graduated from. The documents should include all the courses taken and all the grades received throughout the applicant's undergraduate and/or M.A./M.S. programs (Unofficial transcripts are accepted at the time of the electronic application);

b) Two reference letters from persons familiar with the applicant's academic performance. There is no standard form for the reference letters, but the University’s Electronic application system will ask the recommenders to submit their letters online;

c) An official document indicating the applicant's disciplinary record at the University he/she has graduated from (only when applying from a Turkish University);

d) Photocopy of the undergraduate diploma, if available. The official diploma must be presented at the time of registration.

e) The official results of the ALES (or GRE) examinations. (Students planning to apply for an assistantship must take the ALES exam by YOK regulations)

f) Statement of Purpose written in English and less than two A4 pages long.

g) A research proposal (between 2000 and 4000 words) that describes the research topic that the candidate plans to study for his/her Ph.D. thesis in detail.

Interviews (including an Oral Exam part) will be held on June 27, 2022 (Online, via Zoom). Schedule will be shared with the applicants via email.