Double Major Programs

Üniversite Yönetim Kurulunun 7.6.2024 toplantısında alınan kararla
Ekonomi bölümü ÇAP başvuru koşulları bağlantıda yazılan şekilde

Department of Economics Double Major Programs

The Department of Economics offers double major programs in History, Management, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, and Sociology. Students who satisfy the relevant requirements can apply to enroll in these programs. Students accepted to these programs receive separate diplomas from the two departments upon successful completion of requirements. General information on double major programs can be found in the Boğaziçi University Double Major Program Internal Regulations (in Turkish).

Application requirements are listed below. The curriculum for each double major program can be reached using the tabs on the left side of the page. The first and fourth columns in these tables show the undergraduate curricula for the two departments, whereas the interior two columns list the double major courses to be taken separately for the double major students from the two departments. While 137 credits are required for graduation for Economics majors, the credit requirements for various double major programs vary, as can be seen in the relevant curricula.

Double major co-advisers: Güzin Gülsün Arıkan and Yeliz Kaçamak

E-mail: and

(Please include both of our Double Major Program co-advisors in all related e-mails you send.)

Application Information

For Students Registered in the Department of Economics:

All interested students are subject to the minimum double major application requirements put forth by the Boğaziçi University Double Major Program Internal Regulations as follows:

"Undergraduate students can apply to the Double Major Program at the beginning of their third, fourth, or fifth term if they have achieved a minimum of 3.00 GPA and satisfactorily passed their courses. […] Individual departments can ask for additional requirements, including requiring a higher GPA or introducing quota restrictions. Applications are made to both departments simultaneously."

As the regulation implies, application requirements may differ across departments. For instance, a department may require a minimum grade point average in some courses taken by the applicant or reject applicants who have not taken certain courses. Thus, students are advised to contact the relevant departments directly for information on application procedures.

When applying for a double major with another department, Economics students must follow the steps outlined in the linked document. Any additional documents to be submitted to the other department may vary, therefore, students should contact the other department directly for details. Economics students applying to other departments for a double major must follow any deadlines set by these departments. The Department of Economics does not have a time constraint for Economics students applying to other departments for double majors.

The decisions of the Economics Department have to be approved by the Faculty Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences before being announced, and we cannot declare a date at which this will happen. To be admitted to a double major program students need to receive acceptance from their own department as well as from the department to which they applied.

For Students Registered in Other Departments Applying to Economics for a Double Major:

The Economics Department admits a maximum of fifteen students to its double major programs every year; five are selected from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, and ten are from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Though applications are accepted for both the Fall and the Spring semesters, the major part of the quotas is usually filled in the Fall.

Applications are subject to the minimum conditions delineated in the Boğaziçi University Double Major Program Internal Regulations (in Turkish):

"Undergraduate students can apply to the Double Major Program at the beginning of their third, fourth, or fifth term if they have achieved a minimum of 3.00 GPA and satisfactorily passed their courses. […] Individual departments can ask for additional requirements, including requiring a higher GPA or introducing quota restrictions. Applications are made to both departments simultaneously."

Students must apply to the Department of Economics and also to their own departments using the steps outlined in the linked document. The Department of Economics does not require any additional documents. The documents to be submitted to other departments can vary; hence, students should contact their own departments directly for details.

The deadline for double major applications can be found in the Boğaziçi University Academic Calendar. The applications are evaluated by examining the EC and MATH coded courses in the students’ transcripts as well as their GPAs.

The decisions of the Economics Department have to be approved by the Faculty Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences before being finalized, and we are unable to declare a date at which this will happen. Acceptance to a double major program necessitates that you receive an acceptance from your own department as well as one from the department to which you applied.


For all your questions regarding course substitution, program approval, the number of credits required, etc., please contact .

  1. Is taking EC-coded courses a requisite to apply to the Economics Department for a double major?

No, but taking them may improve your chances of acceptance.

  1. Do I need to have a certain GPA (or an average in EC-coded courses) to be able to apply to the Economics Department for a double major?

You only need to meet the minimum 3.00 GPA requirement to be able to apply. Better grades, however, may improve your chances of acceptance.

  1. I applied to the Economics Department for a double major before and was rejected. Can I apply again this semester?

Yes, provided you meet the minimum application criteria.

  1. Can I make double major applications to multiple departments at a time? Can I make double major and minor applications simultaneously? Can I make double major, minor, and transfer applications simultaneously?

Yes, yes, and yes. If you get accepted to multiple programs, you can register for only one of them.  You will be able to choose according to your preferences.

  1. I am in the X department. I applied to the Y department for a double major and the Z department for a transfer. If both of my applications are accepted, can I transfer to Z and start the double major program with Y?

No. The acceptance you received is for the X-Y double major program. You can apply to the Z-Y double major program the following semester if you still meet the minimum application requirements.

  1. Can I apply to the Department of Economics for a double major if I have a W or a P on my transcript?

Yes, as long as you meet the minimum requirements. However,  receiving a P in economics or a math course might put you at a disadvantage over a student who received a good letter grade.

  1. Can I apply if I received an F on a course but then repeated the course and passed it?

Yes, you can.

  1. I am a student in the X department, and X is not listed among the double major possibilities for Economics. Can I still apply?

Long answer: Your application would not be valid because an X-EC double major does not exist, and you cannot apply to something which does not exist. Short answer: No.

  1. If I start a double major program, will the courses I have taken so far count towards it?

Yes. For example, if you took EC 205 before you started double majoring in Economics, this course requirement will have been satisfied. However, one course can satisfy one requirement. If EC 205 used to be an unrestricted elective for you, it would not count towards an unrestricted elective once it is counted as a compulsory course.

  1. What is the earliest date to apply?

There is no such date set by the Economics Department.

  1. Do all departments accept applications before the Spring semester?

Not all do. You need to contact the department of your interest and find out from them.

  1. Will there be an interview? Should I submit a statement of purpose?

No and no.

  1. Should I forward application approval e-mails to anyone in the Economics Department?

No. Please don’t.

  1. When are the application results announced?

All applications are evaluated together after the application deadline and finalized as soon as possible.  We ask you to be patient as we cannot announce results without the approval of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Since we do not know when that happens, we do not answer e-mails asking when the results will be known.

  1. How can I find out the acceptance/rejection decision of the other department?

You need to address this question to them.

  1. Is there a waiting list for those who do not get accepted?

No, there is not.

  1. Does a double major student have to follow the classes in the curriculum in the specified order?

No, actually this may not even be possible due to class time conflicts. You can complete the courses in another order, taking course prerequisites and class time conflicts into account.

  1. I am a double major student. Is it possible that I finish one department’s courses before the other’s and get my diploma?

No. A double major curriculum is not the sum of the two department’s undergraduate curricula. It is a curriculum in its own right, and one cannot receive either diploma without completing all courses.