FALL 2006


Date  Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
Oct 5, 2006                            János Kornai Harvard University, Emeritus The Great Transformation Of Central Eastern Europe: Success And Disappointment
Oct 9, 2006 János Kornai Harvard University, Emeritus System Paradigm
Nov 3, 2006 Koray Çalışkan Boğaziçi University What Is In A World Price? The Politics of Cotton Exchange And Production In Egypt, Turkey And The US
17/11/2006 Bilin Neyaptı Bilkent University Fiscal Decentralization and Fiscal Discipline
21/11/2006 Annick Laruelle University of Alicante Mini Course Part 1: Assessment Of Voting Situations Applications to The European Union
23/11/2006 Annick Laruelle University of Alicante Mini Course Part 2: Assessment Of Voting Situations Applications to The European Union
24/11/2006 Gökhan Özertan Boğaziçi University Genetically Modified Cotton and Its Possible Contributions to Environmental Sustainability And Rural Development In Turkey (with Philipp Aerni)
27/11/2006 Fatma Doğruel-Suut Doğruel Marmara University Knife Edge Growth And Stabilization: Argentina, Brazil, Israel, Mexico and Turkey
29/11/2006 Çağatay Kayı University of Rochester Characterizations of Efficient, Fair, and Strategy-Proof Allocation Rules in Queueing Problems (with Eve Ramaekers)
28/11/2006 Annick Laruelle University of Alicante Mini Course Part 3: Assessment Of Voting Situations Applications to The European Union
30/11/2006 Annick Laruelle University of Alicante Mini Course Part 4: Assessment Of Voting Situations Applications to The European Union
1/12/2006 Jean Lainé ENSAI Topics on Representative Democracy
8/12/2006 Görkem Çelik University of British Columbia “To Give In or Not To Give In To Bribery? Setting the Optimal Fines for Violations of Rules” (with Serdar Sayan)
15/12/2006 Ebru Voyvoda Middle East Technical University A Real-Financial Model for Turkish Economy: Evaluation of the Alternatives to Twin Targeting (with Çağatay Telli and Erinç Yeldan)
22/12/2006 Kamil Yilmaz Koç University Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers: Identifying Linkages through Product-based Measures (joint with Şule Özler)





Date Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
15/02/2006 Tanseli Savaşer Brandeis University Exchange Rate Response to Macro News: Through the Lens of Microstructure
17/02/2006 Hale Utar Pennsylvania State University Import Competition and Employment Dynamics
24/02/2006 İnci Gümüş UCLA Debt Denomination and Default Risk in Emerging Markets
27/02/2006 Tolga Çenesizoğlu UCSD Risk and Return Reaction of the Stock Market to Public Announcements about Fundamentals: Theory and Evidence
03/03/2006 Kamil Kıvanç Karaman Stanford University Intra-state Conflict as a Cause for Undertaxation and Underdevelopment
10/03/2006 Gökçe Uysal University of Rochester On the Provision of Public Goods in Dynamic Contracts: Divorced Parents and Their Children
24/03/2006 Serdar Sayan Bilkent University Migrant Workers' Remittances and Output Cycles
07/04/2006 Benedikt Herrmann University of Nottingham The Elasticity of Trust: Evidence from Kuwait, Oman, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates and the United States
12/05/2006 Levent Koçkesen Koç University Unobservable Contracts as Precommitments