Fall 2020

Schedule: Friday, 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Other dates/times as announced.

Place: Department of Economics Murat Sertel Lounge, Natuk Birkan Building (MAP) or streamed live via Zoom & YouTube.

Organizers: Yeliz Kaçamak & Murat Koyuncu

Date Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
Dec 25, 2020 Ali Hakan Kara Bilkent University postponed (TBA) 
Dec 18, 2020 Sina T. Ateş Federal Reserve Board Fewer but Better: Sudden Stops, Firm Entry, and Financial Selection (Abstract)
Dec 11, 2020 Neslihan Uler University of Maryland The Effects of "Nonbinding" Price Floors: Theoretical and Experimental Results (Abstract)
Dec 4, 2020 Şenay Sokullu University of Bristol Time-Varying Linear Transformation Models with Fixed Effects and Endogeneity for Short Panels (Abstract)
Nov 27, 2020 Özlem Bedre-Defolie ESMT Berlin Hybrid Platform Model (Abstract)
Nov 13, 2020 Alberto Arredando Chavez Haverford College Time to deliver: Financing constraints of capital goods producers and investment dynamics (Abstract)
Nov 6, 2020 Yusufcan Masatlioglu University of Maryland Progressive Random Choice (joint with Emel Filiz-Ozbay (UMD)) (Abstract)




Spring 2020

Schedule: Friday, 3:00-4:30 pm. Other dates/times as announced.

Place: Department of Economics Murat Sertel Lounge, Natuk Birkan Building (MAP) or streamed live via Zoom & YouTube.

Organizers: Yeliz Kaçamak & Murat Koyuncu

Date Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
June 12, 2020 @ 16:00 Burçay Erus & Burak Saltoğlu Boğaziçi University COVID-19 Salgını Türkiye Ekonomisi ve Sağlık Sektörü Dinamiklerini Nasıl Etkileyecek? (Moderatör: Gökhan Özertan)
May 22, 2020 @ 13:30  Ivan Lopez Cruz Sabancı University Hidden Drivers of Violence Diffusion: Evidence from Illegal Oil Siphoning in Mexico (Abstract)
May 15, 2020  Şevket Pamuk Boğaziçi University Regional Income Inequalities in Turkey since 1880 Abstract
May 7, 2020  Kamil Yılmaz Koç University Demir Demirgil Lecture "Bağlanmışlık Analizi ve COVID-19’un Avrupa'da Bölgesel Yayılımı" Sunum
Apr 17, 2020  Özgür Orhangazi Kadir Has University Competition and Monopoly in the U.S. Economy: What Do Industrial Concentration Data Tell? Abstract and Paper Link
(Canceled ) Alpay Filiztekin Sabancı University TBA
(Canceled ) Ethan Kaplan University of Maryland, College Park TBA
Feb 28, 2020 Serdar Birinci St. Louis FED Spousal Labor Supply Response to Job Displacement and Implications for Optimal Transfers Abstract
Feb 21, 2020 Nazım Tamkoç Arizona State University Production Complexity, Talent Misallocation and Development Abstract
Feb 4, 2020 Zafer Kanık (MIT) From Lombard Street to Wall Street: Systemic Risk, Rescues, and Stability in Financial Networks Abstract
Feb 3, 2020 Ömer Karaduman (MIT) Economics of Grid-Scale Energy Storage Abstract