Fall 2017

Friday, 3:00-4:30 pm*
Wednesday, 3:00-4:30 pm*

Department of Economics Murat Sertel Lounge, Natuk Birkan Building*

Organizers: Murat Kırdar & Orhan Torul


Date Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
Dec 22, 2017 Ivan Lopez Cruz Sabancı University "Criminal Recruitment or Victimization: The Effects of the Mexican Drug War on Education" Abstract
Dec 15, 2017 Erdal Aydın Sabancı University
"Information Asymmetry and Energy Efficiency:
Evidence from the Housing Market" Abstract
Dec 8, 2017 Salih Fendoğlu TCMB "Country Spreads and Emerging Market Business Cycles: The Role of Cross-Border Banking and Global Liquidity" Abstract
Dec 1, 2017 Cem Çakmaklı Koç University "Modeling the Density of US Yield Curve" Abstract
Nov 17, 2017 Ebru Voyvoda METU "Appropriate technology and barriers to technology adoption: potential implications for the EU"Abstract
Nov 10, 2017 Murat Demirci Koç University "The Effects of High-Skilled Immigrants on Natives' Degree Attainment and Occupational Choices: An Analysis with Labor Market Equilibrium" Abstract
Oct 23, 2017  Michael Reed University of Kentucky "Aging, Income Subsidy, and Farm Technical Efficiency in Korea" Abstract
Oct 20, 2017 Orhun Sevinç TCMB "Skill-Biased Technical Change and Labor Market Polarization: The Role of Skill Heterogeneity Within Occupations"Abstract
Oct 2, 2017 Stefano Siviero Bank of Italy "Unconventional policy measures in the euro area: effectiveness and unintended consequences” (joint with Center for Economic Design) Abstract


Spring 2017

Friday, 3:00-4:30 pm*
Wednesday, 3:00-4:30 pm*

Department of Economics Murat Sertel Lounge, Natuk Birkan Building*

Organizers: Murat Koyuncu & Murat Kırdar

Date Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
May 26, 2017 Eren İnci  Sabancı University "Unbundling Curbside Parking Costs from Housing Prices" Abstract
May 16, 2017 Quentin Stoeffler  ITU "Indirect protection: the impact of cotton insurance on farmers 
income portfolio in Burkina Faso"Abstract
May 11, 2017 Refet Gürkaynak Bilkent University Demir Demirgil Lecture “Türkiye'de İktisat Politikası Düşünmek”
May 8, 2017 Jon Danielsson LSE "Future of banking regulation and macro prudential policies" joint with Econfin & The Banks Association of Turkey
May 5, 2017 Beyza Polat  Özyeğin University "Regional and Sectoral Productivity Differences in Turkey: Evidence from New Microdata" Abstract
Apr 28, 2017 Musab Kurnaz  Koc University "Optimal Taxation of Families : Mirrlees Meets Becker" Abstract
Apr 14, 2017 İrem Güçeri  University of Oxford  "Impatient or Desperate? Structural Evidence on Financing Constraints from a Natural Experiment" Abstract
Apr 3, 2017 İsmail Kartal CFO, P&G Türkiye ve Kafkasya "Bir Uluslararası Hızlı Tüketim Malları Şirketinde Finansal Liderlik"
Mar 31, 2017 Simon Quinn  University of Oxford "Anonymity or Distance? Experimental Evidence on Obstacles to Youth Employment Opportunities" Abstract
Mar 24, 2017 Murat G. Kırdar Boğaziçi University "The Effect of Education on Internal Migration in Turkey: Level and Timing Effects by Reason of Migration" Abstract
Feb 10, 2017 So Kubota Princeton University "Child Care Costs and Stagnating Female Labor Force Participation in the US"Abstract
Feb 6, 2017  Kenan Huremovic Aix-Marseille School of Economics & GREQAM "Production Networks" Abstract
Feb 3, 2017 Emekcan Yücel  University of Maryland “Third Party Voting: Vote One’s Heart or One’s Mind?” Abstract
Jan 27, 2017 Esra Köse  UC Davis "Local Area Spending Exposure to Head Start and Academic Performance: Evidence from Texas" Abstract