Fall 2012

Friday, 3:00-4:30 pm*
Department of Economics Faculty Lounge, Natuk Birkan Building*

Organizers: Ceyhun Elgin & Deniz Selman

Date Speaker Affiliation Title of the Paper
Dec 14, 2012 Özgür Orhangazi Kadir Has University "THEORIES OF CAPITALIST INSTABILITY Real and financial components of accumulation"
Dec 7, 2012 Özgün Ekici  Ozyegin University "An Equilibrium Analysis of the Probabilistic Serial Mechanism"
Nov 30, 2012 Şirin Saraçoğlu Middle East Technical University "Internal Migration, Structural Change, and Economic Growth"
*- joint with Mehmet Ekmekci 
Nov 16, 2012 Zümrüt İmamoğlu Bahçeşehir University "International Price Dispersion and Pricing-to-Market when Rivals' Costs are Unknown"
Nov 9, 2012 Hakkı Yazıcı Sabancı University "Optimal Taxation of Bequests and Inter-Vivos Transfers." 
Nov 2, 2012 Mehmet Barlo Sabancı University "Entropic Selection of Nash Equilibrium" 
Nov 1, 2012 Juergen von Hagen University of Bonn "Financial Development, International Capital flows, and Aggregate Output" 
Oct  19, 2012 Jörg Schläpfer KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich "How Nobel Laureates Would Perform in the Handelsblatt Ranking"
Oct  12, 2012 Friedrich Schneider Johannes Kepler University "The Shadow Economy and Work in the Shadow: What do we (not) know?"
Sep 28, 2012 Murat Kırdar Middle East Technical University "Quasi-Experimental Impact Estimates of Immigrant Labor Supply Shocks: The Role of Treatment and Comparison Group Matching and Relative Skill Composition"
May 24, 2012 Stephen Turnovsky University of Washington "Income Inequality, Mobility, and the Accumulation of Capital: The Role of Heterogeneous Labor Productivity"  (Distinguished Lecturer Series) 

May 18, 2012

Levent Ülkü ITAM "Non-monotone Mechanism Design" 
April 30, 2012 Nejat Anbarcı Deakin University  "Directed search, coordination failure and seller profits: an experimental comparison of posted pricing with single and multiple prices"  (joint with CED)  
April 13, 2012 Giorgio Bellettini Universita di Bologna "Knowing the right person in the right place: political connections and resistance to change" 
April 6, 2012 Ayça Özdoğan TOBB "Team Beats Cullusion" 
March 23, 2012 Larbi Alaoui Universitat Pompeu Fabra  "Level-k Reasoning and Incentives: An Experiment"  (joint with CED) 
March 19, 2012 Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan Koç University, Harvard University, NBER and CEPR "Sovereigns, Upstream Capital Flows, and Global Imbalances" 
March 16, 2012 Timothy Guinnane Yale University "The legal form of business enterprise: France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, 1860-1930" 
March 2, 2012 Mehmet Ulu University of Chicago "Heterogeneity and Uncertainty in the Dynamics of Firm Selection into Foreign Markets"
February 27, 2012 Cavit Pakel University of Oxford "Bias Reduction under Dependence, in a Nonlinear and Dynamic Panel Setting: The Case of GARCH Panels"
February 24, 2012 Banu Demir University of Oxford "Trading Tasks and Quality"
February 20, 2012 Melis Kartal New York University "Welfare Comparison of Proportional Representation and Majoritarian Rule with Endogenous Turnout"
February 17, 2012 Cemal Eren Arbatlı Brown University "Quest for Political Survival: Can External Threats Save the Day?"
February 16, 2012 Nuh Aygün Dalkıran MEDS, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University "Common Knowledge and Equilibria Switching"

* Unless otherwise noted